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Saturday, July 24, 2010
We'lll I'll be a -,...
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Books and Magazines

...a landlubbing albatross. Look @ this, scoll to mid-page, it is one of Ernies old drinking buddies.


- - 


Posted by mach1231 at 6:44 PM PDT
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Were gonna...
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Politics

Have you ever heard it said that while the favorite dictum leading up to the election of the current standing U.S. President was: yes we can


that in Canada our favorite dictum during,before and after an election is not yes we can but always some polite excuse, like yes we should, yes we could, yes we would-,...BUT

 Without a doubt, news through traditional media can sometimes be depressing. Maybe especially even more so during the summer time when we are flumoxxed with tales of stupidity,tragedy injustice and outrage. Why not just disengage entirely? I guess thats the slow painful death by attrition the capital 'c' conservatives must have in mind in the re-arranging of Canadas face so that it is unrecognizable in so many years. After all, to aid and abet that cause, it wouldnt hurt to have skewed numbers,inaccurate reports, and pockets and potholes in Canadas census with no information taken or reported.

 I offer two quick links today that by themselves mean nothing, but together can bridge the gap in our minds beyond perceptions of ineffectiveness and imperfections in the internet as a medium that blend together to form a different pastel, a new color, to alter our preconception and perception that the Internet is a faulty device, unregulated, a vast sea of conspiracy and disinformation, dangerous, untested.......excuses,excuses,excuses all of them.

The first one is a small outcry and brouhaha being steeped by the press and quickly garnering the attention of politicians thanks to a woman who complained the government would not hire her because she is white.


The second one is not as much a story nor a press release but a worldwide company asking a question that holds much clout:

should the government be socializing with citizens?




 So click away , click away from the lies and stories you were told.;)

Posted by mach1231 at 8:35 AM PDT
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Look out Stephen Harper. Look out.

- - 

We say sometimes, look it is raining out. Well, a once former Prime Minister to that once quipped in conversation: "..since when is it ever raining inside?"?

Posted by mach1231 at 10:13 PM PDT
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
Privacy concerns
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: The government is way too intrusive...
Topic: Politics

I am glad now that the former Environment Minister, who is now Minister of Public Works and Government Services (one of the LARGEST departments of the Federal Government) as well as Minister for Status of Women (all under the same portfolio in one long exaspertaing sentence) as well as having responsibilities as Regional Minister for the Treasury Board , although it seems like a lot of responsibility for one person....

has found her niche in womens rights where she can feel the most satisfaction for being an agent of change (blog entry below)...taken over from the disgraced and RCMP investigated and FIRED former minister

My husband: Strippers, cocaine and government contracts, if you will, please...just a reminder about the voice of women in the past in regards to the government still in power.

And please dont forget the members in the upper echeleons of our once proud military fired or investigated because of unprofessional conduct or criminal acts concering women in subordination or innocent civilians.

notwithstanding that... light of the facts as they are known in regards to all the governments posturing and legislation enacting to get tough on crime (5% cuts to public prosecution office? He-l-l-o-o?)'s nice to know that  a bit of whining and complaining to government about their "level of intrusion" into your life can send the might government back rolling into a cave like a hedgehog

And I mean to refer to the abject minority of good Canadians who (after being only 1 in 5 to be chosen, 20 percent odds) complained to the government about the intrusiveness of the questions on a long-form census and the threat of fines or jail time if they didnt complete it. (aww!)

This means theres a 1 in 5 chance of being required to do this long form in the first place, and out of that 20 percent there would seem to be a mere fraction with voices loud and bitchy enough and whiny enough to bring about a fundamental long term change in the accuracy of the holistic picture of our country is about to come about.


Not to worry...look at my big wide open eyes

Industry Minister Tony Clement, seen in early June.
This man...
is not about to change his mind regarding the big census makeover.
The Conservative government is scrapping the mandatory long form in 2011, replacing it with a voluntary national household survey.



The Bedrooms of the Nation

In 1967 Pierre Trudeau announced
that "The State has no business in
the bedrooms of the nation." He
meant that laws governing sexual
behaviour should be kept to a
minimum - but that attitude no
longer seems to be the case. York
University historian Jay Cassel,
examined a growing trend toward
regulation and criminalization of

Posted by mach1231 at 1:43 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, July 18, 2010 2:20 PM PDT
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Friday, July 16, 2010

At a time when Indias version of tinseltown i.e. Bollywood, is focusing an increasing awareness on the issue of honor killings......

Canada wants to make a difference.



-  -- 


"Cinema can bring awareness and mould the public opinion making the Government to act against honour killings. I have made a small attempt at that,"... - Avtar Bhogal, Director

 Here, here.

Posted by mach1231 at 11:21 PM PDT
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Here is a little story for you that you may not have heard yet

Allow me to unravel it for you Paul Harvey style...


Seems a tiny baby girl was born mid-flight just after July 4th this year

..the plane was enroute from Baku, Azerbaijan (via Germany) and on its way to mothers home in Denver, Colorado

and had to make an emergency landing in Winnipeg, Canada.

And, as it just so happens to be

in addition to a nurse with a lifetime of experience in obstetrics and pediatrics

 3 doctors were also on the plane

as the delivery was made on board the jet aircraft and they made their landing without the benefit of being strapped in with seatbelts

As if that were not enough material for the six o'clock news

by itself, much to sighs of relief, and cheers of adulation

who happened to be on that same flight to take pictures and photos none other than A-list celebrity actors and couple

but Kurt Russel and  Goldie Hawn.

What a tale this is going to be to be able to tell when this girl grows up.

But that my friends, will truly have to Paul Harvey has said so many times before

..the rest of the story.

 You can read about this fascinating story...

here and here.

Apparently they were also engaged while up. In the air. Flying that is.

Global has video here.

I noticed conflicting reports of the childs citizenship. One said the child will be definitively U.S. American and the other Canadian and that she would no doubt have dual-citizenship.

Trudence? Thats a nice name. Truly.You can also read about countries rules and regs for baby naming procedure


Germany: Children's vornamen (first names) must be gender-specific, and are approved or rejected by the Standesamt, the office of vital statistics. 


Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have shared 27 years together, and their son, Wyatt, only recently just tuned 24 on July 10.

Posted by mach1231 at 12:28 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, July 16, 2010 1:35 AM PDT
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mood:  don't ask

Flag person Donald Cain, 49, died when hit by a car here on the Lougheed Highway in Mission.

Flag person Donald Cain, 49, died when hit by a car here on the Lougheed Highway in Mission. (CBC)

Read more @ story here.
Leaves behind a wife and two kids.
 --  --
Just goes to show you, you can never be too careful whether a worker or a driver. You just never know.
A story like this touches me personally because my own father died at the same age, doing exactly as he was told and following instructions when someone else on the work site decided to make up his own rules for safety and got my dad killed.
 So when going through a zone with red/orange flags, besides being aware that traffic fines can double, remember that anything can happen and as often as it may or may not happen, be prepared for when and if anything does. Feel inherently proud of your self if you are taking an extra dose of caution with you. With that attitude, you have saved a life already.
And if you work as a flagger, please remember we are counting on you for our safety and well being as well as our own the same as if you were on the road your self, even as if you are driving a charter bus full of people. So hold that sign with authority and make sure people understand the true meaning of talk to the hand. Being meek is not what you are there to do.
Take care...

Posted by mach1231 at 8:24 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:46 PM PDT
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Behold, behold, for your visual enjoyment, to be found only on Machs Blog (ok maybe one other place), ladies and genetleman gather round and come close, here at last is the occasion you have all been waiting for, alas the Internet was made these things as such, so I give you a link below to a video NOT FOUND on YouTube, a video that is a parting grace and not a parting shot, and  a long tearful goodbye to the world we were in before, view the video before the ink is washed away by the mix of rain and tears falling on to the letter, yes, its true ladies and gents, Matthew Good was a man ahead of his time, and if not for the wonder and blessing of the internet; likely to be forgotten in the mists of time. please do watch with a mixture of fascination and amazement as you peer spellbound into the time hole portal of the way we were, the time that was and the last vestiges of yester year. The time may not come again, and such appreciation is overdue. And please enjoy the music.


Say hello
Close to me
No good-bye suicide mystery

The rat
In your brain
Turns a wheel
Connected to your guts and
All your faults are in me
And all your faults in me

What would you say
If we lived on TV
Besides all the things they told you to
And all the things they told you to

We're stuck
Inside our own machine

Say hello
Well is it strange
Where you are
Where you used to be kind of free
Are they laughing at you
Laughing at you

The rat
In your brain
Rules the world
From the comfort of your living room
Tell me are we leaving soon
The comfort of your living room
Tell me are we leaving soon

We're stuck
Inside our own machine

We're stuck
Inside our own machine

Posted by mach1231 at 11:40 AM PDT
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Starting and ending a blog are the on the ultimate opposite ends of the procrastination scale.

Today I was given the gift of something not available on-line.

...the suns shines and rays touched my bones.

.. I let my very veins be tanatalized and stirred with the very prospect of mixing with the dust of earth...

The raw smell of earths iron penetrated my nostrils lightly but deeply and invigorated my soul

My hands melded with the hardness of rock and mineral and were purified by the rivers smooth waters.

 one day, who knows when, my body will be one with the earth and my soul and spirit with the universe at large

I thought, coming home...about how many blogs are out there that are one entry long, two entries, maybe one page, dated back to 2003 and not re-visited since

Or others that may have just started today

I thought about being a "small-town blogger" and what that would be like, tripping all over town, manfucaturing a celebrity out of my self out of the ether and putting / sharing my experiences on line

Maybe the future of the social world (can you say social media anyone?) will be like that, possibly hyperlinking to someone else page(s) to a person you know in rl and making banter, or controversy, or conversation, or flirtations, or rude and embarrasing comments.

An anything goes world.

 But for the here and now, and the present, in the life of blogging for now it isn't enough to say you are only as good as your last entry.

In blogging and the world of the blogosphere, making that next entry is always the next best thing in line after procrastination for what you really want to do.


I think people and musicians and artists and performers like Prince come out and say the Internet is dead do so because they are disenchanted by it, and the Internet has upset their balance of where they are at in the world and where they exist.

The truth is that no one, no one not anybody can exist digitally and be truly, truly loved.

The Net is open to anyone and everyone. Although it invites anybody who can pick up a pen or strum a guitar or hit an octave in the shower to participate, this melding and mixing and interacting with ones audience and "connecting"(so to speak) is at an unparralled and unprecedented level.

The net belongs to everyone. As soon as you learn how to open an email account, or have a "home page" or use ICQ it stops being about other people in the world and instead only one.

This is both a shared and common experience.

So, I think  can relate to someone like Prince for an unknown factor of a reason because I think I hear where he is coming from.

Prince Declares Internet "Dead"

Prince Doesnt Understand the Internet


Before this used to be purely a special place  to connect with someone, through their music, music that took its time to reach you, you could savour the very hand motions of unraveling a compact disc from its wrapper and admire its shine and newness before ever so gingerly dropping it into the player and poking the lid shut.


And then you would press the ear muffs or hold your hands over your ears to cuishon out sound and literally cradle your head in a rush of anticipation and ever so strenuously tuning and perking your ears to strain to hear the music.

 It was a way of ridding the mind of all of its distractions: from whats gauche and popular, to whats on tv, to how terrible the evening news is/was, to the traffic reports of congestion. You could call its escapism I guess if you like and no one would question the authority of it. You used to lose your self in music and that would amp up its value. The more it took you away from the world and all its problems you can touch with a hundred foot pole the more it was worth. It was for your pure enjoyment, to celebrate the muses and rejoice to say goodbye to the sacrifices in life you have made. 


They bring us to ectasy and joy, and help us realize our pain and walk us through it.

So I think Prince knows where its at for him self personally but he has always made it by chiefly on the merits of his uniqueness and the Internet is just not made for anyone who wishes to be so individual they refuse to strip off the adornments they wear that previously kept them remote from our lives.

He feels like theres no place online thats original enough for him but he is no exception to the rule for the countless and countless other musicians who have made their mark, made a journey, touched and enriched the lives of others, shared tremendous greif and pain and to the throes of ectasy and simply moved on by choice or accepted a demise in popularity as ingrained part of life. Everybody peaks. No one can continaully peak forver.


The net, in my opinion, is actually amassing waaay tooo much buzzz for its own good and is skipping steps towards becoming a plugged in appliance, and the more the locus of control is given away to people who are not very good at creating as they are about """""""thinking about money""""""" the more the Internet is just going to be a literal junkyard of choices to choose from and a future graveyard of musicians who are having trouble conceiving of this huge sucking vacuousness of space as the place they want to see themselves in.

Before the net, musicians were reknown for criticizing the realm of video making because they felt it intruded rudely upon the art of making music. So what then leftover then is there to be said for staring at a computer screen while listening to tunes or videos on YouTube about the creative sharing process?

The video site alone is a huge gateway into a past that was previously practically lost. People are able to see concerts,commercials,footage,movies,snippets,trailers from the past that we may have at onepoint convinced ourselves were: "gone forever".

So, as much as the net is a modernistic forward thinking tool and technology, it cant help but be embedded and slightly weighed down with nostalgia, which creates a yearning for yesteryears in peoples minds. Or , conversely, fosters an appreciation of, ironic as it may seem, for when things were simpler in tone and life lent us more depth to appreciate and not surface shimmer and gone.

I can appreciate the conundrum faced by people now famous and those who want appreciable status in the world and all its trappings (he he he he he he) because if you are already well established you are both attracted to the internet and seperated and apart and isolated from it and probably cynical of its mass potential, like a slimy agent who would just as soon sell out his mother and contract him self to be a millionaire while you play to sold out shows and receive thousands than anything else.

 Someone has to take the stage and take the Internet by the hand and lead it to a cliff and show it its edge. Because right now it really is taking the heart and soul out of our people and it isnt putting it back.

Maybe I will be that person to step up the plate and be massacred like a sheep to slaughter for all the worth I have to offer. Or maybe I will be catapulated to instant fame over night only to realise a few short weeks later all the channels have changed  and I am lost, alone and feeling short changed.

Maybe. But with the internet the way it is, with a literal breezy turnstile and revolving door of fads and some day hoola hoops.....

..maybe not.

 But I know this, with blogging, no need to worry about doing better the next time, or making a bad or boring entry, or one that doesnt have a razzle dazzle of excitement, it might be your last one anyway.

 Which brings me to my final comment for this overly philisophically bent and long winded entry...

blogs are never, ever, and I mean never EVER : COMPLETE or completed. It's not something you do.

What other things can you think of that are started but never completed?









Posted by mach1231 at 8:23 PM PDT
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Welp i.e. well, more late nights up at the computer for me. I do not have a love interest and as much as news and infotainment is fascinating it can also be depressing in comparison to my real life (um,uhh, ahem : rl), so I know there are as many people out there who can empathize (not what I need) and sympathize (not what I need) and channel their not insignificant amounts of pennywise pound foolish shadenfreude towards me (believe me I'm not worth it) but I also believe that for still others visiting this blog amounts to little more than a perverse form of voyeurism.

With that said, I find the whole situation in the world right now a little bit more on the scary side than the precarious (because precarious is always leading towards scary I would say) especially in light of the whirlwind in the media (against the backdrop of BP who can compete?) of spies being rounded up in America and exchanged for prisoners from Russia.

I offer you two link and twinned events for your own distinct analysis and I trust you WONT leave a comment below if you dont share an iota of my concern.

One is a decidedly gloomy and backwards leaning piece about Russians recent stance on Iran (is it a pose?)


and another is the sudden defection of a supposed CIA asset back to Iran.

Why is this troubling at all, even if you are a housewife in slippers and robe at 11:00 am on a Tuesday morning finally daring all to pick up the paper from the curb?

Because in realizing this is all against the operatic background of a arresting of spies and exchnaging them from Russia (how often are we privy to such spectavle?) the intelligence apparatus of Pakistan is already in a constant grey area with the US and NATO over everything from Taliban suspects, hiding AQ/Bin Laden (whom both happen to disagree on soccer as being halal) and not too mention unfriendliness with India (another schism since one believes the world will continue in one great big grande universal  karmic revolutionary wheel even if theres a nuclear showdown and we reach like yeah: oblivion.), this is the country that felt no pang of conscience in compulsively assisting strong man Khaddaffi from acquiring nuclear arms.

And with rumours of war drums in Lebanon drowning out any plaintive naive cries for peace (Hello Obama) I am beginning to suspect that a domino effect is happening with Syria and Egypt towards the Jewish homeland and are getting a rude shock delivered to them from somewhere close near round about someplace called East Africa.

It all comes together in my mind.

Thats what you get though for staying up late even after the late night news nook lights dim down. For we interested in just a tad more information please, the internet is a bounty of intelligence that can only though keep our minds spinning around whats been posted and released as information.

Like this little tid bit for example that mentions the Quiet Canadian.

As opposed to this guy here.

It has me more interested about what CSIS meant about politicians in Canada getting rubbed the right way by foreign influences than news about four spies from Russia.

 They are American.

I shall sleep soundly after all.

Posted by mach1231 at 1:44 AM PDT
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