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Monday, January 21, 2013
A Hitchhikers Guide the Web
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Books and Magazines

As you can see from the 'Entries by Topic' header on the sidebar, this is far from being a THEMATIC blog.

It doesnt settle and nestle on right or left wing politics, flounder in a constantly changing world of travel industry news, or fester from a easily located issues-laden geocache focusing strictly on human rights issues or surviving on a diet of controversy or provide a running commentary on iniquity..:)

It seeks to be a practical anomaly in the blogosphere, an outpost in the magazine aisles, a Saturday Evening Post blather where you are potentially in for anything from a laugh inducing photo gag cartoon as you are a heralding of a scientific achievement or plugging of the latest gadget or new musical artist or positioning from the shoulders of giants on the business world.

So thus let me say this. Some people , some families, some societies, some tribes, some clans are prone and drawn to deserts. Whether they are ice or sand. Some are prone to oceans and their expanse; welcoming or not! Some are drawn to mountains whether the shade of their towering height to eclipse the sun or the view from on high to drink the view below and taste the rareified air on top.

And yet what of the worlds first real roads, the paths carved by retreating glaciers, makeshift suppliers of our power and bypass holders of our crucial life supporting water, the first real iders of the worlds greatest explorers who fought dense foilage and crowded forests to reach the Pacific, the path to Asia-,...who first arrived via river.  

Tell me true, how hard would you fight, how idle would you be in the security of your own lands, would you rise to fight the nation a few hundred kilometres down or upriver who polluted your water supply...or demand the UN and its auspices be taken down brick by solid brick?

So here the topic is travel, but its also about greening the economy and inevitably: politics. But its also about rivers, if you could only find the common thread and reduce the polarity of your already filtered thinking.,12740/


Stand. Rise. Fall.




Cheers and prost. To which ever station in life you have, whatever position you take, of from where ever your view is. Our interconnectivity has never been as realized as much if not for the boldness of our explorers.  As a contant factor as it may be online, it is rarely acknowledged. Let is it never be said you were un-welcomed. But never forgotten the discovery of North America came about not from a search about for a rumour for but by accident as a resting point. A huge earth shattering great discovery. A new land.

Posted by mach1231 at 10:19 AM PST
Updated: Monday, January 21, 2013 11:02 AM PST
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Saturday, February 4, 2012
No clowning around
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Books and Magazines




The Government Accountability Office has agreed to launch an investigation into sexual abuse at U.S. immigration detention centers, following recent reports of abuse and a request from 30 members of Congress that GAO conduct an inquiry.

 -  - - -

Photographer and University of California, Santa Barbara professor Richard Ross has spent five years documenting juvenile detention facilities throughout the nation. In his own words, Ross explains what he's seen. This report is part of NewsHour's American Graduate series on the U.S. dropout crisis.


 -  - - -

A child who breaks the law in Texas may enter a complex world of procedures, places and people called the juvenile justice system.

In Texas the ages of juvenile justice jurisdiction are 10 through 16. The handling of juveniles is strictly regulated by state law, but juvenile probation is locally administered at the county level.

Getting Caught

This year, more than 130,000 Texas children picked up by law enforcement officers will enter the juvenile justice system.

Children who break the law come from all social, racial and economic groups. Nearly half are between 14 and 15 years of age, and about three-fourths are male.

Many are charged with minor offenses or "status offenses" such as truancy or running away from home.
However, one-third or more are serious offenders who may have committed crimes such as burglary, assault or murder. Substance abuse, family violence and school problems are common.


-  -


And I never even heard about a 9 year old Canadian boy (born in Toronto) put into a detention camp till today.



Posted by mach1231 at 9:11 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 2:31 AM PST
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Monday, January 17, 2011
Happened my way
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Books and Magazines


Posted by mach1231 at 11:21 AM PST
Updated: Monday, January 17, 2011 2:37 PM PST
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Books and Magazines

...really a good book though

I mean what other kudo could I offer up against this

list of highly reputable sources other than it is

"highly readable"

- - -

 and yup theres even a few refernces to Blakes (yes Canadas oldest law firm) although of course I cant tell you the context

Posted by mach1231 at 9:29 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 4:43 PM PST
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Real Thing
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Books and Magazines

Added a link to Annie Griffiths site at the left bar

Annie Griffiths

In her presentation “Connect With Anybody, Anywhere” Annie Griffiths shares her experiences as a journalist bridging cultural, racial, and religious divides. Known for her sensitive nature and ability to bridge the divide that sometimes exists between people of disparate cultures and beliefs, Griffiths has been connecting with her subjects for nearly three decades.

A passionate conservationist, her recent project with author Barbara Kingsolver aims to help save the last wild spaces in the United States.

Last Stand: America’s Virgin Lands
The book Last Stand, published with Poisonwood Bible author Barbara Kingsolver, captures and celebrates the United States’ last unspoiled places through Kingsolver’s words and Griffiths’ hand-tinted infrared photographs. The presentation celebrates well-known and hidden environmental treasures, while working to preserve and protect what remains.


She is Founder and Executive Director of Ripple Effect Images, a collective of photojournalists who are documenting climate change’s effects on people in need, and the programs that help poor women deal with these effects.

One of the first women photographers to work for National Geographic..


radio interview here.


Posted by mach1231 at 9:56 AM PDT
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Friday, August 6, 2010
Historical war tourism
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Books and Magazines

Again I have just realized some of my entries dont view as planned depending on browser or OS.


I also just found out author Terence Strong DOES NOT have a Wikipedia entry. This is a bit of a shame but falls short of an all out literary promotion strategy tragedy...

what? With a guy like me around? Stand aside-lol

Terence Strong 

Get a copy while it's hot.

It's an excellent book/read. I'd highly recommend it.

 - -

Ripe for film rights I might add, or do I even need to?

Heres a little someting else for behind the scenes also related to war time activity in "Scandanavian" country (dont recall which one was used in the book but they are close cousins to the action)


Posted by mach1231 at 12:50 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, August 8, 2010 12:55 PM PDT
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Saturday, July 24, 2010
We'lll I'll be a -,...
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Books and Magazines

...a landlubbing albatross. Look @ this, scoll to mid-page, it is one of Ernies old drinking buddies.


- - 


Posted by mach1231 at 6:44 PM PDT
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Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mood:  rushed
Topic: Books and Magazines

Caught this blip on a Los Angeles Times blog about a hip swaying magazine publishing effort that spent five weeks in the planning stages to reduce the amount of time to produce a printed published magazine, full gloss, just 48 hours. Thats from inception to rolling off the color wheels news stand ready. 

So how do you say impressive debut? I have seen magazines that are put together in 30 days that look worse than this(none that I have worked for or been associated with of course.)

 I think they definitely had the luck of the Irish on their side.

The finished product I am sure you will agree, runs the gambit of positive adjectives from plain "interesting" to "tour de force"  to "formidable".

A full frontal creative effort that lunges at you and puts its full fledged instataneous street cred in your face and challenges your assumptions of what 'hastily assembled' could ever look like so you never think twice again.

Ps I submitted a contribution of my own which I am not sure I should be exactly proud of. The format I had in mind was all wrong for their demographic target audience as I had envisioned more of a NEW YORKER or SATURDAY EVENING POST style of publication. It was fun thought to challenge my self creatively to come up with something. No lessons here.

This blurp of Machs Cafe Blog is brought to you by  Kronos.


Posted by mach1231 at 11:47 AM PDT
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Youve Got America
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Books and Magazines

 You have heard of a big book seller called Amazon right? Amazon dot com?

And you knew the e-tailing giant had a "Canadian" presence  on-line with a web site ending in dot 'CA' (i.e. .ca)  :) as well?

Well, poyhaps you did not know that until recently the American company was not allowed to set up a bricks and mortar warehouse for deliveries in Canada until recently.

I have heard at least one vicarious report that when ordering from Canada, the service delivery model and speed, accuracy and all the rest of it is actually 10X better than when ordering from the ".ca" website anyway.

-  - -- 


Heres what I found interesting:

"Had Ottawa rejected Amazon's shipping centre application, the government would have found itself in the untenable position of saying the company's business runs afoul of Canadian rules, while at the same time allowing to operate outside those rules." - G & M

CP: Ottawa allows Amazon warehouse in Canada; bookseller will invest $20 million


This marks the end of importing books from the US for the average Canadian customer.


Have you seen what you can buy at this book store lately? Its great. Just imagine wanting to buy a book on sewing and buying your fabric straight away. 

Learn to play a guitar and get one while youre at it.

Learn to cook Spanish and pick up an ounce of azafran. (Laughs.)


(note with the $99.00 cooking kit combo you get all of (0.035 oz) of the spanish spice)

Posted by mach1231 at 8:18 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 8:30 AM PDT
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mood:  not sure
Topic: Books and Magazines

How To Instantly Connect With Anyone By Leil Lowndes


Posted by mach1231 at 7:22 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, April 11, 2010 8:20 PM PDT
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